Yuri Vorobiev

Prize-winner of the 2004 Rimsky-Korsakov Young Opera Singers’ Competition, Russian bass Yuri Vorobiev has been a principal singer at the Mariinsky Theatre St. Petersburg since 2009.
Mr. Vorobiev has also received invitations from prestigious international festivals and opera houses, among them the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto (Le Rossignol), the Aix-en-Provence Festival, the Grand Théâtre de Quebec, Opéra de Lyon, the  Royal Opera House in Oman and Nice Opera (Simon Boccanegra), the Salzburg Festival (concert version of Iolanta and Le Rossignol conducted by Ivor Bolton), as well as the Royal Opera House Covent Garden London making his company debut as Colline in La Bohème in 2012.

Frequently touring with Valery Gergiev, Mr.Vorobiev has sung Gurnemanz in Parsifal in a tour of the UK, Pique Dame and Khovanshchina at Deutsche Oper Berlin, Timur in Turandot in concert at the NHK Hall Tokyo, and Narbal in Les Troyens at Carnegie Hall, New York.

The singer’s further repertoire includes roles such as Rocco (Fidelio), Zuniga (Carmen), Sarastro (Die Zauberflöte), Bartolo and Antonio (Le nozze di Figaro), Angelotti (Tosca), Timur (Turandot), Ramfis (Aïda), Sparafucile (Rigoletto), Zaccaria (Nabucco), and Fiesco (Simon Boccanegra); very much at home also in the Russian repertoire, Mr. Vorobiev has appeared in several Rimsky-Korsakov operas (The Tsar's Bride; May Night, Maid of Pskov), in Shostakovich's The Nose, as Surin in Tchaikovsky's Queen of Spades, Bertrand in Iolanta, and as Zaretsky in Eugene Onegin, just to name a few. In March 2018, he embodied the role of Wotan in Das Rheingold at Cité de la Musique in Paris.

In 2019/2020, he can be seen a.o. as Bartolo (Le nozze di Figaro) at State Opera Hamburg, Bertrand (Iolanta) and Gurnemanz (Parsifal) at Cité de la Musique in Paris, Banco (Macbeth) and Timur (Turandot) at the Mariinsky Theatre St. Petersburg.