Raiko Raalik

Raiko Raalik began his formal singing education at the Heino Eller Music School under the guidance of Taisto Noor, later advancing his studies at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre with Taavi Tampuu. Throughout his training, he has had the privilege of participating in master classes led by distinguished instructors including Caroline Dowdle, Jaakko Ryhänen, Kamal Khan, and Janet Williams.

Mr. Raalik's career includes a strong and ongoing collaboration with the Vanemuine Theatre. His talent was recognized early on, with his 3rd place finish at the PLMF Vocal Contest in 2017, where he also received the Special Prize from the Estonian National Opera. The 2017/18 season marked a significant milestone in his career when he became a grantee of the Estonian National Opera, culminating in his appointment as a soloist with the theatre in autumn 2018.

In 2019, Mr. Raalik was honored with the Naan Põld Award and received a scholarship from the Estonian National Culture Foundation. The following year, he garnered an award for the best interpretation of an aria of an Italian subject at the 12th International Singing Contest in Immling. Additionally, 2020 saw him winning first place at the Vello Jürna Singing Competition, along with special prizes from PromFest, Estonia Concert, and Vanemuine Theatre.

In 2024, Mr. Raalik's outstanding performances earned him the prestigious Annual Estonian Theatre Award for his portrayal of the title role in Eino Tamberg’s opera “Cyrano de Bergerac” and his role as Golaud in Claude Debussy’s opera “Pelléas et Mélisande” at the Vanemuine Theatre.