Mental Preparation

with Selin Tabak

Participants in the Bavarian Opera Academy have the opportunity to work with renowned Psychologist and Author Selin Tabak, honing their skills and mental preparation for both on and off the stage. Selin employs a variety of therapeutic techniques in her work with singers, drawn from her decades of work as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practitioner and Mindfulness Trainer. She also engages in tailor-made role-playing audition exercises designed to help the singer let go of destructive self-talk and to share their own unique artistry.



Get to know Selin

  • I’ve always been so interested in people! Growing up, I was always fascinated by what motivates the behaviour of others - what makes them tick, so to speak. And, I was always interested in relationships as well. How is it that connections can form between people even when they’re complete opposites? Most of all though, I’ve always thought the world needs more open hearts, and have been saddened when I see people who have so much to offer limit their own potential.

  • Singers are some of my absolute favourite clients to work with. They’re so flexible, and it’s so gratifying to witness them changing in real time. And they’re so receptive! I find that out of all the people and clients they’re often the most ready to develop and change. I think they are really excited to bring out their full potential.

    I also think that most of the problems that singers have often come from a misunderstanding about the act of performance. It’s really one of the only things, because their training as an artist already helps them communicate their emotions quite effectively. Many singers believe that performance is about doing something perfectly and checking all the boxes. But true performance is showing yourself without hesitation. Without exaggerating or faking. It’s about understanding that you don’t have to be someone else. You can bring your own emotions and your own energy to the stage and simply be yourself. That is enough.

  • When I work with singers, I often focus on a few key areas:

    - Pleasing attitude in auditions: especially with directors. Singers often feel they have to prove something, and that feeling leads to a performance that’s not natural and one that often lacks authenticity.

    - “Magical” thinking that wishing for something hard enough will determine the outcome. I believe that it’s very important to approach auditions from a business oriented perspective: here is a product that I am producing and presenting. Put simply: there is a law of process in the universe where you need to take all the steps to achieve your potential. Even if you have some success, if you’ve missed one step, eventually it catches up to you!

    - You are equal with the director and an audition is an act of collaboration. You are also more free than the director! You can move, and sing, and feel. You can love and laugh and you can rage - the director just sits there. And you can really show yourself to them.

    - Most importantly, you should not give so much power to others to decide who you are. Regardless of the result of an audition, you are still a worthy human being, just like the rest of us.

    For our work together, I also use a variety of methods, from traditional Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to audition-oriented Role Playing. Depending on the Singer, I also sometimes incorporate breath and energy work.