Martin Iliev

Martin Iliev graduated from the Pancho Vladigerov National Academy of Music in Sofia (class of Professor Resa Koleva). Began his singing career as a baritone, taking on some twenty roles, following which he changed register to become a dramatic and heroic tenor.
In 2005 he made his debut at the State Opera in Stara Zagora as Pinkerton (Madama Butterfly). Since 2010 he has been a soloist with the Sofia Opera where he performs leading tenor roles.

Martin Iliev's repertoire includes Pollione (Norma), Macduff (Macbeth), Manrico (Il trovatore), Don Carlo (Don Carlo), Radamès (Aida), Otello (Otello), Ismaele (Nabucco), José (Carmen), Calaf (Turandot), Cavaradossi (Tosca), the Chevalier des Grieux (Manon Lescaut), Turiddu (Cavalleria rusticana), Siegmund (Die Walküre), Siegfried (Siegfried and Götterdämmerung) and Tristan (Tristan und Isolde).

The soloist has featured in recordings on Bulgarian radio and TV and he appears in broadcasts of performances and concerts of the Sofia Opera.

In September 2015 Martin Iliev sang the roles of Tristan at the Ljubljana Festival and Siegmund (Die Walküre) and Siegfried Götterdämmerung) at the Festspielhaus in Füssen. In January 2017 the soloist will make his debut as Tannhäuser at the Chemnitz Opera.