Henriette Schein

Henriette Schein was born in Saxony-Anhalt.

The young German soprano completed her Bachelor's degree in 2021 at the “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” University of Music and Theater with Prof. Ilse-Christine Otto in Leipzig, and completed her Master's degree in opera at the University of Music in Karlsruhe from 2021-2023 with Prof. Christiane Libor and Prof. Stephan Klemm. During this time she also received further instruction from Dorothea Röschmann.

Henriette Schein was a finalist in the Berlin Singing Competition in 2020, and made her debut in 2021/22 as Lisa in the operetta “Gräfin Mariza” and as a slave in the opera “Salome” under the musical direction of General Music Director Georg Fritzsch at the Badisches Staatstheater in Karlsruhe.

In the 2022/23 season she could be heard as Papagena in “The Magic Flute”, as a slave in “Salome” and as Taumännchen in “Hansel and Gretel” at the Baden State Theater. She was seen as Gretel in “Hansel and Gretel” at the Wolfgang Rihm Forum in Karlsruhe. In the summer of 2023 she made her debut at the 25th Schönebeck Operetta Summer in the operetta “Das Feuerwerk” as Anna under the musical direction of Jan Michael Horstmann.

In the 2023/24 season she was a member of the ensemble at the Badisches Staatstheater. Among other things, she played the role of Isotta in R. Strauss's "Silent Woman", Despina in Mozart's "Cosi fan tutte", sheep in S. Kassie's children's opera "Sheep" and the shepherd in R. Wagner's "Tannhäuser". She also took on the role of Papagena again at the Theater Hof.

In the 2024/25 season she will be engaged at the Regensburg Theater and will be seen, among other things, as Echo/Rose in the opera "The Little Prince" by P. Valtinoni and as Flamma in J. Offenbach's operetta "Journey to the Moon".

Susanna's aria / Le nozze di Figaro / Mozart

Das verlassene Mägdelein / Wolf