Aljaž Vesel

Slovenian tenor Aljaž Vesel studied voice at the Zurich University of the Arts, graduating with a Master of Music Pedagogy in February 2019 and a Master of Performance Voice in 2017.

In June 2013 he made his operatic debut in the role of Wolfram (tenor) at the Zurich Festival in the premiere of "Heinrich Treibhäuser und die Keilerey auf der Wartburg", an opera based on Wagnerian motifs (S. Stadler, K. Deissler, P. Destraz and R. Lerch). He further embodied the following opera roles: Guillaume Tell in the opera of the same name by A. E. M. Grétry (OpernHausen – Switzerland, 2015), Conte Alberto in "L'occasione fa il ladro" by G. Rossini - Swiss tour (Die konzert schneiderei, 2016), Ferrando in "Così fan tutte" by W.A. Mozart (Junges Musiktheater Zürich, 2016), Ottavio in "Liebe und Eifersucht" by E. T. A. Hoffmann (Free Opera compay Zurich, 2016), Don Ottavio in "Don Giovanni" by W. A. Mozart (Slovenia, concert version, 2017), Lensky in Eugene Onegin by P. I. Tchaikovsky (Theater der ZHdK Zurich, 2018), Max in "Der Freischütz" by C. M. von Weber (Felsenbühne Rathen, 2019), 1st Armored Man in Magic Flute by W.A. Mozart (Theater Heidelberg 2019), Erik in The Flying Dutchman by R. Wagner (Felsenbühne Rathen, 2022) and Titorelli in Der Prozess by G. von Einem (Theater Regensburg 2022). In June 2023, Aljaž took on the role of Max in a new production of the opera Freischütz at the Felsenbühne Rathen.

He was a finalist and prize winner of the following singing competitions:
2017: Int. singing competition Opera Castle Hallwyl (CH), finalist. 2015: Int. singing competition Munot Openair in Schaffhausen (CH), finalist. 2009: Int. Singing Competition of Nikola Cvejic in Ruma (Serbia), First Prize in the category" young singers" and an additional award from the Municipality of Ruma as the best baritone of the competition (2011 he switched to tenor). 2009 & 2010: Int. singing competition of Bruna Spiler (Montenegro) 1st prize.

As a concert singer he can be heard regularly with song and symphony concerts in Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Switzerland, Slovenia and Austria. He has sung over thirty oratorios and masses: Works by Mozart, Haydn, Handel, Bach, Beethoven, Ryba, Rossini, Poulenc, Ramírez, Herzogenberg, Puccini and others.

Aljaž Vesel has been a permanent ensemble member at the Landesbühnen Sachsen (Radebeul - Dresden) since August 2019 where he has performed roles such as Max (C. M. von Weber, Der Freischütz), Raul de Gardefeu (J. Offenbach, Pariser Leben), Florestan (L. van Beethofen, Fidelio), Jim Mahoney (K. Weil, Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny), Edgar Aubery (H. Marschner, The Vampyr), Titorelli (G. von Einem, Der Prozess), Duke of Monatua (G. Verdi, Rigoletto), Erik (R. Wagner, The Flying Dutchman), Werther (J. Massenet, Werther), Mister X (E. Kálmán, Die Zirkkusprinzessin), Prinz (Rusalka, A. Dvořák) und Roberto (G. Puccini, Le Villi).

Vidino divná přesladká

Prince / Rusalka / Dvořák

Singer: Aljaz Vesel

Pianist: Yury Ilinov

Edgar Aubry /Der Vampyr / Heinrich Marschner

Nein, länger trag ich nicht die Qualen…Durch die Wälder, durch die Auen

Max / Der Freischütz / Weber